Our Funeral Assistance Plan offers three options to our Members, but only delivers one of them at time of requesting the service. With a single phone call to our office in the event of a death, our team of experts will take care of all funeral arrangements as well as the payment of basic funeral expenses, so you and your loved ones can focus on caring for each other in time of need.
Services for accidental, suicide, or violent death coverage begins three (3) business days after enrollment & initial payment has been drafted. Death under natural causes has one hundred eighty days (180) waiting period after enrollment & initial payment has been drafted. Pre-existing conditions of Cancer, Brain Tumor, Dialysis, & Terminal Illness, are NOT allowed at the time of enrollment, as this is standard throughout the Industry.
When the plan is needed, your family reaps the rewards of your foresight and planning, allowing them to focus on healing rather than worrying about funeral expenses.
Transfer within the United States
Transfer of your loved one to their Country of origin
Shipment of final remains to Country of destination included
For those under 65, a family relationship with the holder member not required
Two (2) Parents, Spouse, or Step Parents are allowed – up to the age of 80 years old for the life of the payment on the Membership.
Our Funeral Assistance Plan offers three options to our Members, but only delivers one of them at time of requesting the service. With a single phone call to our office in the event of a death, our team of experts will take care of all funeral arrangements as well as the payment of basic funeral expenses, so you and your loved ones can focus on caring for each other in time of need.
Services for accidental, suicide, or violent death coverage begins three (3) business days after enrollment & initial payment has been drafted. Death under natural causes has one hundred eighty days (180) waiting period after enrollment & initial payment has been drafted. Pre-existing conditions of Cancer, Brain Tumor, Dialysis, & Terminal Illness, are NOT allowed at the time of enrollment, as this is standard throughout the Industry.
When the plan is needed, your family reaps the rewards of your foresight and planning, allowing them to focus on healing rather than worrying about funeral expenses.
Transfer within the United States
Transfer of your loved one to their Country of origin
Shipment of final remains to Country of destination included
For those under 65, a family relationship with the holder member not required
Two (2) Parents, Spouse, or Step Parents are allowed – up to the age of 80 years old for the life of the payment on the Membership.
We proudly offer funeral assistance plans to ease the financial burden for individuals, especially veterans and their families. Watch Dr. David Hollins, a certified financial planner with over 40 years of experience and an Air Force veteran, explain what current VA benefits cover and how our funeral assistance plan ‘bridges the gap’ to ensure that everyone—from veterans to their loved ones—is fully protected when it comes to funeral expenses.
We proudly offer funeral assistance plans to ease the financial burden for individuals, especially veterans and their families. Watch Dr. David Hollins, a certified financial planner with over 40 years of experience and an Air Force veteran, explain what current VA benefits cover and how our funeral assistance plan ‘bridges the gap’ to ensure that everyone—from veterans to their loved ones—is fully protected when it comes to funeral expenses.
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Your Paragraph text goes Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae. here
Protecting you and those closest to you in the unfortunate event of a funeral against financial and emotional trauma, is what we specialize in.
We make all the arrangements for you so that you and your family can get relief during your grief.
Protecting you and those closest to you in the unfortunate event of a funeral against financial and emotional trauma, is what we specialize in.
We make all the arrangements for you so that you and your family can get relief during your grief.
In the event of a funeral, we contact the Funeral Director on your behalf, make all the arrangements, pay for the services, allowing you to rest and leaving all the work to us.
Our Funeral Assistance Membership Plan offers three (3) popular options to our valued members, but only delivers one (1) of them at the time of requesting the service.
In the event of a funeral, we contact the Funeral Director on your behalf, make all the arrangements, pay for the services, allowing you to rest and leaving all the work to us.
Our Funeral Assistance Membership Plan offers three (3) popular options to our valued members, but only delivers one (1) of them at the time of requesting the service.
√ Roundtrip airfare for plan holder
√ No medical exam is ever required
√ All basic funeral costs are covered
√ Partners can be included in the plan
√ No contracts or excessive paperwork
√ Roundtrip airfare for plan holder
√ No medical exam is ever required
√ All basic funeral costs are covered
√ Partners can be included in the plan
√ No contracts or excessive paperwork
and Your Loved Ones the Most.
and Your Loved Ones the Most.
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